What Can I Do to Keep HMMA Union-Free?

If you’ve considered the facts and weighed the pros and cons and decided you do not want to be represented by the UAW, or any other union, what can you do about it?

The first thing is to make sure your voice is heard.

Feel free to reach out to friends and coworkers and share your opinions as well as the facts that were most persuasive to you.

Some FACTS include:

  • In the collective bargaining process, you can lose benefits you now have.
  • Nothing that union organizers promise can be legally enforced.
  • The UAW could deduct hundreds, or even thousands of dollars from your pay under a contract and over a career.
  • A criminal investigation found the UAW had a “culture of corruption.”
  • The last two UAW Presidents pled guilty to felony charges.
  • Under new rules, you may not get to vote in a Yes/No union election.

Some OPINIONS might include:

  • I don’t see how the union could provide anything the company hasn’t already given us.
  • In my opinion, unions can destroy the team atmosphere and make everything harder.
  • I believe workplaces with unions have a more difficult time competing.
  • I don’t think there is anything I need to hire a union to do for me.

If you have worked at a unionized facility in the past, you can share your EXPERIENCES, which might include things like:

  • I’ve worked in a union shop before and it didn’t work out well because…
  • From what I have experienced, the negatives of having a union were far greater than the positives.
  • When I worked at (blank), we had a union and the plant couldn’t compete.